In this high-altitude adventure tale, a fictional student moves to Sin City, Las Vegas. Forty minutes from her new hometown is rock climbing mecca, Red Rock Canyon. There, an eccentric mix of characters meets every weekend to do battle with the vertical sandstone cliffs.
Thrown into the group, our student begins applying the brilliantly simple lessons she learns from her mentors and uncovers a way to get what she wants out of life... and love what she gets.
Available in Audiobook, eBook, and Hardcover
Brian Tracy
Author, Personal and Business Success Superstar
Global adventurer JOHN BEEDE climbed the tallest mountains on all seven continents. This includes summiting Mount Everest. He’s kitesurfed ocean waves three times his height in the South China Sea. He swam with sharks, jumped out of airplanes, and been struck by lightning. He was also trapped in the Indonesian jungle between warring tribes and the world’s largest gold mine. Yet, even with all these larger than life adventures, none of that defines him as a man. What's in The Warrior Challenge... does.
Attention Educators:
© John Beede International, Inc.