*4.9 average audience review over 500+ events

Student leaders are riveted by John Beede's Mount Everest climbing stories.
Educators and parents love his leadership and goal-setting messages.

Every Major Youth Organization in America Has Trusted John Beede to Keynote Their National Conferences

+ hundreds of events at schools, assemblies, and camps, in 49 states and 6 countries.

Key Messages:

Rock Climbing
= Amazing Event


Are You Looking for an Audience-Rockin' Youth Motivational Speaker?

You need a sure thing. That's because your opening or closing keynote speaker has the potential to "make or break" your event.

There's a lot riding on your decision ; I get it. In this age of Tiktok reels and YouTube shorts, it's hard to know which youth speakers can enthrall big groups of adolescents for 45-60 minutes.

Bluntly, you need someone who is entertaining, highly-relatable, and most importantly, brings a life-altering message to your students and educators.

That's where I can help.

Consistently, I've been rated one of the top youth motivational speakers for teens during my 18 years of professional speaking. That means you can have confidence that you're getting a world-class presenter when booking me. 

My keynote speeches and breakout sessions have made a massive impact on the lives of students in 49 US States and 6 countries. In fact, I receive regular messages from audience members who heard me speak years ago.

Simply put, that's because the material I teach is life-changing. I give students proven goal-setting, leadership, and team building formulas. Your student leaders will learn the exact success systems that put me on the summits of Earth’s tallest mountains  and in turn, become confident in reaching their own 'summits'. I'll also sprinkle in *just* the right level of hilarious audience interaction.

Bottom line? It'll be a smash-hit for everyone involved: you, your students, and your executive team.

Request a call and my agency, Top Youth Speakers, will be in touch.

- John Beede

PS... Don't forget to grab your free signed copy of my book. The link is at the bottom of this page.

"You spoke through the tornado that hit Pensacola and still had the audience in the palm of your hand. If you can captivate an audience over construction work one day and through a tornado the next, I'm confident you'll do a fabulous job for anyone else looking for a speaker."

Janice courson


"Our group of 500 gave you two standing ovations. One student fell off of his bench from laughing so hard.  Several students told me you were their favorite part of the conference. Plus, very meaningful and important leadership and goal-setting messages.”



"When John boarded the plane, my students started applauding and cheering! Right there on the airplane! The flight attendant asked, "Who IS that guy?" I tracked him down in the terminal and immediately booked him for two of our events and I'm so glad we did."



About  John Beede, 
Youth Motivational Speaker

John has climbed the tallest mountain on every continent, including Mount Everest. In fact, more people have orbited in space than have climbed these '7 Summits.' He has also survived hurricanes, earthquakes, avalanches, tribal warfare, and was once struck by lightning. 

Now he's bringing the success strategies required to summit Earth's most challenging mountains to you. In his live keynote presentations, on-demand training programs, and highly acclaimed books, he will teach you to embrace the mindset, training techniques, and grit of a high-altitude mountaineer... without ever having to step foot on a mountain (unless you want to)!

He is the author of three books, two specifically for youth, which are Climb On! Success Strategies for Teens and The Warrior Challenge which you can get a free copy of here along with your free educator resources >

"The greatest challenges in life are the ones that push us beyond our limits. It's only by facing our fears and pushing through our individual adversities that we can discover what we're truly capable of." - JB

With John Beede, You're Getting a Super-Entertaining, Proven, and Impactful Youth Motivational Speaker


John's stories about climbing the tallest mountain on every continent are riveting, motivational, and hilarious. However, they're simply attention-getters for your event's true purpose: teaching your students goal-setting, resilience, and leadership.

The way he started his speech was like nothing I have ever heard! The climbing story really got me into his speech. I really loved it and I know more about leadership and success to help me in my new State President position. Climb On!"

- Amanda L., North Dakota Student Leader


Each student in your organization will walk away with goal-setting, leadership, and team-building skills. That means your students will know how to define success for their own lives. They''ll create "bomb-proof" expedition plans, and know how to generate motivation from within when confronting the obstacles they'll inevitably face.

Most speakers just drag the audience along. I actually did not want it to end when it did. I was sitting there, wanting more, which is something tough to get from a speaker. I came back for one of your workshops the next day because I wanted more. Most motivational speakers leave you thinking, "Yeah right," or "That's not possible." I left your workshop feeling more confident in myself, as if I could do anything. You're the best I've seen."

- John Thompson, Minnesota Conference Attendee


You need a no-hassle, experienced, sure-fire speaker. Someonw who is easy to work with, will crush it on stage, and bring a powerful message based on a real-life story of an epic life adventure. The sum result of all of that? Your attendees lives will be changed.

You were WONDERFUL. I always told myself anything was possible, but never truly believed it. You reminded me and assured me that anyone can do anything, they just have to have a good mindset. You set this positive energy in everyone and WITHOUT A DOUBT, CHANGED LIVES TODAY."

Alison P., Texas Association of Student Councils

"The advisors were thanking me for the best keynote in the history of our organization."

Judy Reynolds

Washington FBLA

Frequently Asked Questions

How is John different from other youth motivational speakers?

There are three things that set John apart from every other speaker who is out there:

1. He does NOT speak from the standard formula of, 'this bad thing happened, I overcame it... and you can too!" While that's often helpful and valuable, John teaches student leaders how to craft and architect the life, lifestyle, and culture of they dream of, no matter their starting place. "You don't have to wait for a bad thing to happen to start your inspirational journey. You just have to decide to start," John says.

2. His stories come from real-life mountaineering adventures... and he's still climbing! John has climbed over 100 mountains in his life. Some big in size and notoriety, some unheard of. While his lessons are supported by research, they aren't sourced from a textbook. They're real, one-of-a-kind adventures and not something that John did in the past. John still IS the person you hear on stage.

3. The multimedia is mind-blowing. The videos, music, and photos make John's events feel more like a motivational rock concert than just another 'boring speech.' You don't want your students thinking they are forced into listening. 

Does he offer workshops or breakout sessions?

Absolutely. Most organizations add workshops to give their students a richer experience. The workshops are 60% instructional, 40% entertainment while the keynote is 60% entertainment, 40% technical.

In our experience, those who choose to attend breakout sessions get a more complete learning experience as a result of the sessions. They are recommended for every event. 

Can John offer staff development training for our educators?

While 'staff development' is not John's specialty, he has successfully catered his workshops and keynote to be appropriate for educators in at least a dozen school districts. Depending on your needs, he can do the same in yours. 

Can he offer a virtual keynote speech on Zoom or Teams?

John offers a pre-recorded 'mountaintop keynote' in which he climbs a literal mountain and, using a drone, GoPro, and 360 camera, he delivers the keynote to your audience from a literal mountaintop. 

He is also available for live virtual presentations from his home studio.

Please get in touch with your event dates and preferred option.

Does John speak for at-risk youth groups?

John's specialty and area of expertise is working with teen leaders. If your audience has young leaders, up-and-coming leaders, or even just kids with potential for leadership, John is ready to help you develop their skills. Finances, demographics, race, religion, politics, etc. are irrelevant to his message.

Does John speak to high school students?

Absolutely. High school students love John's motivational presentations.

The ideal setting is in your theater with approximately 600 students or fewer per session.

Multiple sessions are best if your school has more students, but it's certainly not a dealbreaker for John to speak to larger audiences (his largest audience is 11,500 people at the National FBLA Conference).

Gymnasiums are least ideal. The lighting, seating, acoustics, and A/V capabilities are subpar compared to theaters and even cafeterias... which in turn results in a less-than-ideal experience for your students.

Does John speak to middle school students?


Middle school students typically enjoy the stories and entertainment aspects of John's talks more than they're ready for the goal-setting aspects, but John crafts his presentation accordingly and is a smash hit with middle school and junior high school students.

What does it cost for John to speak at our event?

John is one of the top youth motivational speakers in the world and charges accordingly.

Please contact us with your event dates and a Top Youth Speakers agent will let you know John's rates.

In case John's rates are outside of your budget's limits, they'll provide you with great alternatives within your budget.

Is he, like, an annoying diva to work with?

The dude regularly sleeps while hanging from cliffs and spends his free time on glaciers while starving and thirsty.

He has few needs for creature comforts.

At your event, all he needs is a screen, projector, and sound system. He'll bring the rest, including all the weird dongles and cables.

If he agrees to your event, it's because he wants to be there. Meaning, he will show up early and stay late, interacting with each and every person who's interested in chatting.

John prides himself in being 'super-easy to work with' and 'super-easy to book.' Request a call to get the ball rolling. 

"It was unanimous that John was one of, if not the best, speakers we've ever had."

Jim Ponder

RYLA Co-Chair

"John's experience climbing to the top of Mt. Everest will inspire anyone to climb towards their life's greatest goals... and that's why we made his harrowing story a part of our 60 Minutes feature about the legendary mountain."

Jo Townsend

60 Minutes, Australia

"We had John speak at both the BPA and DECA state conferences to over 1,200 attendees. He had them laughing hysterically, gripped in suspense, and best of all, really thinking about their goals for the future."

Christine Phipps

New Mexico State Advisor


What Real Students Say About Youth Motivational Speaker, John Beede

NEVER BEFORE HAD I HEARD WORDS THAT WERE SO INSPIRING, that even today I can remember the opening line to your keynote. You made a big impact on my life and I thank you again for that wonderful presentation. You are my role model."

Alicia A.

California Student Leadership Conference Attendee

Oh man i don't even know how to say how much i loved your speech... first of all, your enthusiasm was the best! you connected soo well with everyone and we appreciate that so much! You have no idea. Your stories were inspirational and I had an overall incredible time listening." 

Morgan M.

Massachusetts Student Leader

hey man you came to my school today and im usually sleeping during presentations but wowwwwowowow yours was great you taugt me alot in life what to do and the tips and that you can do anything you want you just have to live life to the fullest well you made a big impact on my life and i thank you again for the wonderful presentation YOU ARE MY ROLE MODEL!"

Jared M.

Nevada High School Student

You had a completely different style of speaking that made you more interesting and more personable than other speakers. You were the favorite speaker of my entire state officer team. I'm glad we had a refreshingly different speaker like you to wake us up in the middle of the day."

Kenji Brown

Georgia Teen Leader

Out of all the speakers I was introduced to, you were my favorite. I felt that I could connect with you the most, because you told me a part of you, not just something that you've learned. The fact that you were interesting and funny, but were telling something personal, made you keep the attention of me and the other attendees."

Ashley D.

North Carolina Youth Business Leader

Your Students Will Thank You.


John Beede is a keynote speaker who has given motivational presentations in 49 states and 7 countries. His presentations are based on his climbs to the tops of the tallest mountain on every continent, including Mount Everest. The success principles he teaches are based on real-life experiences.


© Copyright John Beede International, Inc.  |  All rights reserved

Make a no-pressure inquiry about hiring John Beede to speak.

Let us know the basics about your event and a world-class TYS Speakers agent will be in touch.


Check Speaking Availability

To inquire about speaking engagements with John, please share your event details here. 


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